Barry made a bird blind from bamboo and palm fronds. He left it for 3 days with a fruit cocktail about 10 yards away for the birds to notice. On the 3rd day Barry sat in his chair, in his bird blind and waited for the toucans. He just happened to look up and this guy was above his head. He jumped back and with much haste ran into the house to get a pillowcase (not what I would do but whatever). He picked up the snake with a piece of bamboo and put him in the sack. Vipers are known to be slow and this one was, plus he was a male so his re-action time was considerably lower. We asked the dairy workers to identify the snake and they said "Tomago" or something like that and then beat the snake to a pulp. Barry got these pictures free-hand (which means not using a tri-pod, which he loathes) but this is the best we could get because he can not handhold his long lens. He of course wishes he would have gotten more and I am glad that I still have a husband.
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